Monday, July 21, 2008

Mickey Mouse, Music, M&Ms, and Mamma Mia . . . mmmmm

This blog entry, though posted today, Monday, July 21st, was originally written Thursday morning, July 17, while Niko and I were driving north on vacation to Disney World. I was hoping to not only share with those who read the blog and have never been to Disney, but also for myself so I can read it at a later date, when it no longer felt as if we had actually gone there. Mind you, we've been there 7 or 8 times in the 12 years we've been together. I find, though, when you take pictures and write about it, that's when you truly remember the experience.

So, without further much ado, the first of various entries concerning our vacation. I hope you like it.

It’s Thursday morning, July 17, 2008. Like Muslims in the Middle East making their pilgrimage to Mecca, Niko and I are traveling north to the Land of Mickey Mouse and the Magic Kingdom.

The first part of our trip to Disney started off a bit wonkey, though. I woke up with a headache that is due either to barometric pressure and a storm headed our way, or perhaps ear wax build-up; it’s happened before. Add to that (I apologize ahead of time if I’m being gross) the fact that once I actually got up and out of bed I couldn’t stop going to the bathroom. It was like I was saving it up for days! Of course it doesn’t help that I went to bed at 1:00 a.m. because, like the little kid in the Disney commercial, I was too excited to sleep!

An hour and a half after we originally intended, we finally managed to get out of the house. There was a quick stop at CVS to pick up my ear was removal kit, Einstein's for coffee and a couple of breakfast sandwiches, and we were finally on the road.

Right now we are traveling north on the turnpike and it’s just a little past noon.

When taking a road trip, one of our favorite things to do is pack the CD case with music. Show tunes to be precise. As many show tunes as we can play in the car. It makes the trip more fun, no matter where we’re going, and puts us in a mental vacation mode.

Presently, we’re listening to the cast recording of "Mamma Mia." And you know? There were portions that illuminated me as though I had never heard the words before.

Now, you make ask yourself: “What illumination can you possibly derive from ABBA?”

Even in the fluffy, bubble gum, pop way that ABBA’s music is delivered in Mamma Mia, there are certain universal truths. And when a certain truth rings within me it rocks me to the very core. I get all goose pimply, my breath might catch and my eyes tear-up; as if I am recognizing a life lesson that I have long since forgotten and have just now reacquainted myself with it.

For instance: “I Have A Dream.”

There’s a line that says “If you see the wonder, of a fairy tale, you can face the future, even if you fail.”

I never really thought about it before but in a way our lives are a bit like a fairy tale with all the things we do, the strange encounters, the beautiful things we see and the joys we experience. And even if fail at something, the very fact that we try is wondrous. At least, that’s how it appears to me. And how appropriate to guide us to Disney World; the very land of Fairy Tales!

Then there’s “Thank You For The Music.”

There’s a line that says “Who found out that nothing can capture a heart, like a melody can?”

Again, I’ve listened to this disc a million times. I’ve always been grateful for music as it is the most perfect art form. But the bit about capturing a heart with melody struck me so brilliantly because that is exactly what happens. A piece of your soul is captured with the nuance of a melody. So I say, yes, thank you for the music!

I have seen “Mamma Mia” (the musical) three times now. And I’m sure I’ll see it again. Naturally, I’m also looking forward to seeing the movie. I know it will be just as much fun as the musical and the music. Mind you, I love to see a dark, deep-thinking movie that makes me numb and puts me in a funk. But I also love light and fluffy.

As far as Mamma Mia goes, you can’t get any lighter and fluffier. The difference between this light and fluffy, however, is that like Mickey Mouse, music, the M&Ms I’m eating as I write this, Mamma Mia reminds us that even through the myriad and mayhem of life experiences, there is fun to be had. No matter what.

So, what’s the wonder in your life? Mine is as simple as the ability to wake up in the morning. And although I might not be actually living in a fairy tale, that’s okay. The fairy tale is in visiting Mickey Mouse, letting the M&Ms melt in my mouth, listening to music that takes me to a different place and letting myself get swept off my feet by the fun and levity of Mamma Mia and other musicals.

Besides, how boring would life be if we all lived happily ever after? Now, making it up as we go along . . . what can be more of a fairy tale than that? Oh, wait. That's right. Going to Disney World where, or so they say, dreams come true.

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